Behind The Scenes: Harmony

Exploring the ways of finding harmony within —

I read somewhere on the importance of a home, how it represents us and how we can truly be happy when we create a space that meets our needs. This struck a chord with me as the words rang true to what I wanted to share about lingerie. 

Lingerie shouldn’t be an afterthought — taking time to discover yourself through lingerie is at the heart of everything we do. Your first layer matters and how you see yourself matters even more. I believe you can find harmony and be truly happy when you accept and love the way you are. Know that beauty is being able to just be yourself and it comes from within. I hope this encourages you to define your own beauty.

I feel incredibly lucky to be able to capture our campaign images in a home that represents just that — a space made to create beautiful memories and a chance to connect with people who feel the same as I do, everything is in perfect harmony. 

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